Monday, May 12, 2008

It is me.

I have decided that it is not wise to continue on this struggle without telling someone from my home denomination so I emailed my regional minister (comparable to a bishop in the Roman Catholic Church) this weekend.

He called me this morning to discuss some of my difficulties as well as what attracts me to the Catholic Church. We spoke for about half an hour. He assured me that I still have a home in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and that our church welcomes - and encourages - personal theological struggle.

Honestly, he didn't tell me anything I wasn't expecting. And I found comfort in the phone call. He didn't tell me to "get out" or that I wasn't fit for the ministry.

I have been worried about people from back home finding out that "gasp!" I am having questions about the church, so I have been using a pseudonym on my blog. My regional minister assured me however that I can be true to myself and my struggles within our church.

So, I'm dropping my pseudonym and I'm going to own this struggle. This is who I am.


Anonymous said...

Have you explored the "coming home network international" website? It is a outreach for clergy from other denominations on the Journey Home to the Catholic church, founded by former protestant ministers to stand by and help others who like themselves have found themselves on the Journey Home to the catholic church. I hope this helps you on Your Journey, May God Be glorified and Praised!!

Joel said...

I did. It is a really good resource. They have been very helpful and connected me with someone of my own faith tradition who has "been there."

Thanks for the comment.

Bryan Cross said...

Hello Joel,

You are not alone. I went through a Protestant seminary and am now a Catholic. You don't walk alone.

In the peace of Christ,

- Bryan